All information for victims in a single online overview

From the moment that victims report a crime to the police, they begin to receive information from various organisations about their case. From today on, all such information provided by the police, the Public Prosecution Service (OM), Victim Support Netherlands (Slachtofferhulp Nederland), the Central Fine Collection Agency (CJIB) and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven) can be found in a single central location. In a personal online environment, MijnSlachtofferzaak (My Case as a Victim), a timeline shows the case's progress, while victims can easily retrieve messages from the various organisations. 

‘Victims of crimes such as violence, fraud or stalking, for example, have enough concerns as it is. They become involved with various organisations that all send their own bits of information, making it easy to lose track. We need to make things easier for victims, not more complicated, so I am very pleased that we have taken another step in the right direction with MijnSlachtofferzaak, hopefully somewhat alleviating the worries of those who have had a traumatic experience.'

says Minister for Legal Protection, Sander Dekker.

Victims can log in to MijnSlachtofferzaak with their DigiD, where they will find a comprehensive overview of all information: correspondence with the organisations involved, information on victims' rights, and the assistance available to victims provided by the various organisations. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions about the online environment. In order to create MijnSlachtofferzaak, the police, the Public Prosecution Service (OM), Victim Support Netherlands (Slachtofferhulp Nederland), the Central Fine Collection Agency (CJIB) and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven) were brought together. The latter party is responsible for the relevant technology. MijnSlachtofferzaak will indeed continue to be developed in the future. The addition of extra functionalities will be investigated, for example whether surviving relatives can also be given access to their case via the portal.

Long-term Agenda for Victim Policy (Meerjarenagenda Slachtofferbeleid)

The development of MijnSlachtofferzaak is part of a comprehensive approach of the Ministry of Justice and Security intended to improve the position of victims in criminal proceedings. This is referred to as the ‘Long-Term Agenda for Victim Policy’ (Meerjarenagenda Slachtofferbeleid), and sets out matters including plans for required attendance for suspects of serious violent crimes and sex crimes, and victims being given the right to address the court at hearings held to determine whether to extend hospital orders. A bill providing for this was submitted to the Dutch House of Representatives today. In addition, the police have been provided with more staff to provide victims with the support they need, while the number of victim coordinators has been doubled at the Public Prosecution Service, who serve as a point of contact and provide support during the criminal proceedings.