Dutch humanitarian activities and aid: Afghanistan


The Netherlands is monitoring the situation in Afghanistan as far as possible, in close collaboration with civil society organisations and like-minded countries. However, the closure of the Dutch embassy in Kabul and inadequate information networks in Afghanistan have made it more difficult to verify the reports we receive.

See also frequently asked questions about the situation in Afghanistan.

The Netherlands’ efforts are aimed at the following priorities:

1) facilitating the safe departure of Dutch nationals and residents, and Afghans who are eligible for transfer to the Netherlands;

2) providing aid to the Afghan people;  

3) promoting human rights and, in particular, the position of women and girls.

In addition, the Netherlands believes it is important to prevent Afghanistan from becoming a base for international terrorism. The Netherlands is working at both bilateral and multilateral (EU, UN, NATO and anti-ISIS coalition) level to advance these priorities. Besides our diplomatic efforts, the Netherlands is also exploring the options for development cooperation and humanitarian aid that will benefit the Afghan people.

At this time there are no major new refugee flows from Afghanistan to the wider region. Nevertheless, the Netherlands is already preparing for such a scenario. The basic principle from the Netherlands’ perspective is that reception of refugees should take place in the region.

In 2022 the Netherlands is making €20 million available for emergency aid to the Afghan people. This direct contribution will be paid to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund and is in addition to the Netherlands’ unearmarked contributions to multilateral organisations such as the United Nations. A portion of these unearmarked contributions will be allocated to Afghanistan. The funds will be allocated by the various aid organisations on the basis of where the need is greatest worldwide.