Documents - Ministry of Finance

83 documents of Ministry of Finance

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  1. A first step to real-time taxation

    The vision of the Dutch Tax Authority is to create a future where tax assessment and collection occur automatically and in ...

    Report | 30-06-2024

  2. Letter to Parliament on sale of TenneT Germany

    Letter from the Minister of Finance, Steven van Weyenberg, containing an update on the sale of TenneT Germany. 

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 17-05-2024

  3. Policy directions for a resilient banking sector

    This report identifies four focal areas for the resilience of banks. 

    Report | 19-03-2024

  4. Speech by State Secretary De Vries at the VAT Gap Colloquium in Brussels

    Speech by State Secretary for Benefits and Customs De Vries at the VAT Gap Colloquium in Brussels, Belgium.

    Speech | 12-03-2024

  5. Speech during the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action

    Speech minister Van Weyenberg during the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action. Spoken word is ...

    Speech | 01-02-2024

  6. Curriculum Vitae of Steven van Weyenberg (french)

    Publication | 18-01-2024

  7. Curriculum Vitae of Steven van Weyenberg (german)

    Publication | 18-01-2024

  8. Speech State Secretary for Benefits and Customs De Vries announcement drug figures over 2023

    Speech of State Secretary for Benefits and Customs De Vries when announcing drug figures over 2023.

    Speech | 17-01-2024

  9. Monitoring the effects of the approach to tax avoidance

    The State Secretary for Tax Affairs and Tax Administration Van Rij presents the House of Representatives an annual monitoring ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 22-12-2023

  10. Official report on the Approach to tax expenditures

    This official report provides more insight into tax expenditures in the Netherlands, addressing their effect and performance both ...

    Report | 28-11-2023