Evaluation Final du programme Renforcement Chaine Penale Nord Mali

Final evaluation of the project 'Strengthening the Criminal Justice Chain' in Mali, implemented by IDLO between December 2015 and August 2020 in the regions of Gao, Mopti, Timbuctoo and Segou. The evaluation aims at providing an independent, evidence-based assessment of the project's performance.

The evaluation recommends i.a. that: IDLO strengthens linkage with central-level justice institutions to enhance sustainability, systematically integrates gender equality considerations, continues support to justice institutions based on needs analysis in collaboration with other stakeholders, considers strengthening the role of legal aid professionals to improve functioning of the criminal justice chain, facilitates knowledge transfer between experienced and grassroots NGOs and informal actors, and regularly verifies that management tools and field capacity are still fit for purpose. Recommendations have in part already informed design of the follow-up phase, and will be discussed during regular dialogue with IDLO in the framework of the regional Sahel partnership.