Documents - Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

210 documents of Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

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  1. Keynote speech by Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, at the Environment Agency’s Flood & Coast Conference

    “During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s even more important that we combine forces and learn from each other. We need to ...

    Speech | 09-12-2020

  2. Speech minister Van Nieuwenhuizen, HELP-meeting, 8 December 2020

    “The pandemic has highlighted the correlation between climate change, water and health. Handwashing is one of the easiest and ...

    Speech | 08-12-2020

  3. C-233 Green Deal on Circular Denim “Denim Deal”

    The purpose of this Green Deal on Circular Denim is to work with leading parties across the denim value chain to close the loop ...

    Report | 29-10-2020

  4. Introduction Henk Ovink

    Video | 09-10-2020

  5. Speech Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, at the UN-water High-level Political Forum Special Event

    “This meeting is taking place at a defining moment. Not only is the world on the verge of spending trillions of dollars to boost ...

    Speech | 10-07-2020

  6. Speakingnote minister Van Veldhoven for opening session HLPF

    ‘Our response must be strong and undivided. Not only in finding an effective vaccine for the COVID 19 virus. But also in getting ...

    Speech | 07-07-2020

  7. Videomessage Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, at the UN Global Compact’s upcoming Leaders Summit – ‘deep dive Unite for water resilience’

    “In our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic it’s essential that we recover stronger, we recover better and we recover together. ...

    Speech | 15-06-2020

  8. Possible aide financière d’État Air France - KLM

    La présente lettre a pour objet d’informer la Chambre des représentants des intentions du gouvernement concernant l’octroi d’une ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 24-04-2020

  9. Letter on possible support measures for Air France-KLM

    Letter of 24 April 2020 to the House of Representatives from Minister of Finance Wopke Hoekstra and Minister of Infrastructure ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 24-04-2020

  10. Appendix - policy programme for circular textile 2020-2025

    Appendix - policy programme for circular textile 2020-2025.

    Publication | 14-04-2020