
176 search results

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  1. The Netherlands and EU policy areas

    The major EU policy areas are also important to the Netherlands. They include security, development cooperation, finance, ...

  2. Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the United Nations General Assembly

    Speech | 24-09-2021

  3. Letter to the Parliament on the start of the implementation of the plan for departure from Kabul Airport

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 26-08-2021

  4. Curriculum Vitae of Hanke Bruins Slot (German)

    Publication | 14-09-2023

  5. Curriculum Vitae of Hanke Bruins Slot (French)

    Publication | 14-09-2023

  6. Third countries whose nationals or specific categories of such third country nationals who are subject to prior consultation

    Regulation | 08-09-2015

  7. ‘Landmines are potential unseen killers’

    Every year landmines claim thousands of victims worldwide, sometimes long after a conflict has ended. On the International Day ...

    News item | 13-04-2023 | 11:21

  8. Mid-Term Evaluation of Mine Action and Cluster Munitions Programme II

    Publication | 01-05-2024

  9. Dutch contribution to missions and operations

    Publication | 06-03-2021

  10. Annexe 4 Country Strategies

    Annexe 4 Country Strategies.

    Publication | 23-03-2020