
61 search results

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  1. (Español) ¿Qué puedo hacer si no estoy de acuerdo con el resultado de una prueba de alcoholemia o de un análisis de sangre después de conducir bajo los efectos de las drogas y/o del alcohol?

    Leaflet | 01-07-2022

  2. (Polski) Co mogę zrobić, jeśli nie zgadzam się z wynikiem badania alkomatem lub badania krwi wykonanego po jeździe pod wpływem narkotyków i/lub alkoholu?

    Leaflet | 01-07-2022

  3. (Français) Que faire si je ne suis pas d’accord avec le résultat d’un alcootest ou d’une analyse de sang après avoir conduit sous l’effet de drogues et/ou d’alcool?

    Leaflet | 01-07-2022

  4. (Deutsch) Was kann ich tun, wenn ich mit dem Ergebnis einer Atemanalyse oder Blutuntersuchung nach Fahren unter Drogen- und/oder Alkoholeinfluss nicht einverstanden bin?

    Leaflet | 01-07-2022

  5. Important information about the WagwEU for self-employed persons

    The Dutch Terms of Employment Posted Workers in the European Union Act

    Leaflet | 27-05-2022

  6. Important information about the WagwEU for employers

    The Dutch Terms of Employment Posted Workers in the European Union Act

    Leaflet | 27-05-2022

  7. Duty to report foreign nationals working in the Netherlands: Checklist for self-employed persons

    This data is needed complete a notification in the online notification portal for foreign nationals working in the Netherlands.

    Leaflet | 27-05-2022

  8. Duty to report foreign nationals working in the Netherlands: Checklist for employers abroad

    This data is needed complete a notification in theonline notification portal for foreign nationals.

    Leaflet | 27-05-2022

  9. Example of invitation letter for the basic series of the COVID-19 vaccination

    Example of an invitation letter for the basic series of the COVID-19 vaccination (also know as primary COVID-19 vaccination ...

    Publication | 11-05-2022

  10. Translations getting proof of vaccination after being vaccinated abroad (French, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Russian)

    You need proof of vaccination. Most people won't have any trouble retrieving their data via the CoronaCheck app or ...

    Publication | 16-03-2022