
93 search results

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  1. Research on Human Trafficking in Mali

    The main objective of this study, which is also part of the Malian National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons ...

    Report | 30-04-2021

  2. Dialogue & Dissent: Stories of Change

    The e‑zine  Dialogue & Dissent: Stories of Change looks back on the Dialogue and Dissent programme and what it has achieved.

    Publication | 16-01-2021

  3. Country of origin information report China (July 2020)

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) insofar as this is ...

    Report | 01-07-2020

  4. Education lasts a lifetime: let’s give human rights a greater place in the classroom

    Max van der Stoel Human Rights Lecture by Bahia Tahzib-Lie, Dutch Human Rights Ambassador, 10 December 2021, The Hague.

    Speech | 10-12-2021

  5. Speech from the Throne 2018

    On 18 September 2018, the King delivered the Speech from the Throne.

    Speech | 18-09-2018

  6. Investing in Global Prospects

    The policy document 'Investing in global prospects' of Minister Sigrid Kaag (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) shows how ...

    Policy note | 18-05-2018

  7. Letter from Minister Schreinemacher presenting the annual report on the action plan on policy coherence for development

    Letter of 17 May 2023 from Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher to the House of ...

    Letter | 11-07-2023

  8. National Action Plan on human rights 2020

    The National Human Rights Action Plan 2020 describes how the government wants to protect and promote human rights in the ...

    Publication | 31-05-2020

  9. Evaluation of the Dutch RBC Agreements 2014-2020

    This report presents the findings of the evaluation of sector-level agreements on Responsible Business Conduct (henceforth RBC ...

    Report | 08-07-2020

  10. Human Rights Report 2015

    The Human Rights Report 2015 is structured as follows. Chapter 1 looks at the forums where the Netherlands is active in the field ...

    Report | 01-12-2016