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  1. Joint Statement on DPRK-Russia Ballistic Missile Transfers

    The following is a statement from the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 09-01-2024

  2. Statement by the Equal Rights Coalition on the Russian Supreme Court judgement infringing LGBTIQ+ people’s basic human rights

    The Equal Rights Coalition strongly condemns the Russian Supreme Court designating the so-called ‘international public LGBT ...

    Diplomatic statement | 18-12-2023

  3. Adoption possible from six selected countries

    Adopting a child will still be possible from the following countries: the Philippines, Hungary, Lesotho, Taiwan, Thailand and ...

    News item | 02-11-2022 | 12:10

  4. Media Freedom Coalition statement on closure of media outlets in Hong Kong

    Media Freedom Coalition statement on closure of media outlets in Hong Kong.

    Diplomatic statement | 09-02-2022

  5. Media Freedom Coalition statement on media freedom and the safety of journalists in Myanmar

    The members of the Media Freedom Coalition express their deep concern with the military regime’s harassment and violent attacks ...

    Diplomatic statement | 04-02-2022

  6. Joint Statement on Yemen

    Joint statement on the human rights situation in Yemen behalf of multiple countries and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

    Diplomatic statement | 29-10-2021

  7. Media Freedom Coalition statement concerning media freedom in Myanmar

    The undersigned members of the Media Freedom Coalition express their deep concern with the continued efforts by Myanmar’s ...

    Diplomatic statement | 19-04-2021

  8. Communiqué des ministères des Affaires étrangères de la France, de l’Allemagne, de la Belgique, de l’Espagne, de la Finlande, de l’Italie, du Luxembourg, des Pays-Bas, du Portugal, de la République Tchèque et de la Suède (22.05.20)

    TRAITE CIEL OUVERT Nous regrettons l’annonce du gouvernement des Etats-Unis de son intention de se retirer du Traité ciel ouvert, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 22-05-2020

  9. List of countries attending the Ministerial Round table on safety of journalists and the issue of impunity on the World Press Freedom Conference 2020

    List of countries attending the Ministerial Round table on safety of journalists and the issue of impunity on the World Press ...

    Publication | 08-12-2020

  10. Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Promoting Gender-responsiveness in the COVID-19 crisis

    We, the Ministers of South Africa, Sweden, Argentina, Australia, Albania, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, ...

    Diplomatic statement | 06-05-2020