Women, Peace and Security Grant

Dutch civil society organizations can apply for a grant to support their work on women, peace and security.

For this, € 15 million is available for the period 2016-2019.

Grant applications

Organizations can apply for grants until August 15, 2016 15.00 CET. Please check the Grant framework Women, Peace and Security to find out if you qualify for a grant and how to apply.

If an application is submitted by e-mail, please make sure that the e-mail (including any attachments) has a size of less than 10 MB. A larger sized e-mail must be divided into multiple e-mails of smaller size.

Change threshold criteria

A change has been made to one of the threshold criteria set out in the Women, Peace and Security grants framework and the associated model application form. Criterion D.2 has been amended in line weth section 2.5 of the grants framework and now reads: 'D.2: On 15 may 2016 the lead party and Dutch co-applicants are signatories to the Naional Action Plan on Women, Peace and Secuity 2016-2019'.

The grant should contribute to equal opportunities, rights and security for women and girls in:

  • Afghanistan;
  • Colombia;
  • Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC);
  • Iraq;
  • Yemen;
  • Libya;
  • Syria;
  • South Sudan.

These countries are the 8 focus countries of the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2016 - 2019.