Costs of primary school

In the Netherlands parents do not pay school fees for primary education, but schools may ask parents for a voluntary contribution towards the cost of extracurricular activities. Parents also pay for BSO (out-of-school care) and TSO (lunchtime supervision).

Contribution to extracurricular activities

Schools often organise extra activities in addition to the regular syllabus. Examples include the annual celebrations for Sinterklaas and Pasen (Easter), school trips, swimming lessons and visits to school allotments. Schools can ask parents to pay towards the cost of these activities. The parental contribution is always voluntary. The parents in the participation council must approve the level of the parental contribution, and how the money is spent.

Costs of BSO and TSO

Buitenschoolse Opvang – BSO (out-of-school care) is care provided before and after school, on pupil-free days and during school holidays. Generally speaking, primary schools do not provide BSO themselves, but work with a childcare provider. Parents pay the provider of BSO directly.

Tussenschoolseopvang – TSO (lunchtime supervision) is care provided during lunchtime at primary schools that do not have a continurooster – this means that pupils are allowed to return home for lunch. TSO is supervision for pupils that stay at school during lunchtime.

Childcare benefit

Parents can apply for kinderopvangtoeslag (childcare benefit) to cover part of their childcare costs. They must apply for the benefit to the Belastingdienst (Tax and Customs Administration).