Do I need to start civic integration before I arrive in the Netherlands?

There are 2 instances where you must begin the inburgeren (civic integration) process before you arrive in the Netherlands. The first is if you are coming to live with your partner in the Netherlands. The second is if you are a cleric (such as a priest or imam). In addition you must also fall in the category of people who require a machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf – MVV (authorisation for temporary stay). The MVV is a special type of visa needed to enter the Netherlands. If these conditions apply to you, you will need to pass a special exam known as the Basisexamen inburgering buitenland (Civic Integration Examination Abroad) before you come to the Netherlands.

Starting civic integration outside the Netherlands

If you fall into one of the following groups, you must start civic integration before you come to the Netherlands:

  • you want to join your partner who is a Dutch citizen and you need an MVV to come to the Netherlands
  • you want to join your partner who is living in the Netherlands but is not Dutch and you need an MVV to come to the Netherlands
  • you are moving to the Netherlands with your partner and you need an MVV to come to the Netherlands
  • you are a cleric (such as a priest or imam) who needs an MVV.

Authorisation for temporary stay (MVV) requirement

You may need an authorisation for temporary stay (MVV) in addition to a residence permit. You apply for the MVV at the same time as you apply for your residence permit.

It is also possible that you qualify for an MVV exemption.

Civic integration exam outside the Netherlands

If you must start civic integration before you arrive in the Netherlands, you must sit the civic integration examination abroad in the country where you are living. The exam tests Dutch language proficiency and knowledge of Dutch society.

You must sit the exam at the embassy or consulate of the Netherlands in your country of residence. If there is no embassy or consulate of the Netherlands in your country of residence, you must sit the exam at the nearest embassy or consulate of the Netherlands.

You must contact the embassy or consulate yourself to arrange an appointment to sit the exam.

‘Naar Nederland’ study material

The Government of the Netherlands has developed a learning pack for self-study called Naar Nederland. You can use this to prepare for the exam.

Exemption from civic integration exam outside the Netherlands

There may be circumstances, such as illness, where it is impossible for you to take the civic integration exam outside the Netherlands. In such circumstances, you can apply for an exemption from the civic integration exam abroad.