Applying for a declaration of age of majority as an underage mother

Are you are a mother aged 16 or 17? You can then apply to the court for a meerderjarigheidsverklaring (declaration of age of majority) – to declare you an adult. In the Netherlands you must be meerderjarig (18 years of age or older) to be able to exercise parental responsibility for a child.

Last updated on 28 December 2021

Parental responsibility after receiving the meerderjarigheidsverklaring

A meerderjarigheidsverklaring gives you, as an underage mother, parental responsibility for your child. You are therefore responsible for the care and upbringing of your child. A judge will issue a meerderjarigheidsverklaring if they consider this to be in the best interests of you and your child. Underage fathers cannot apply for a meerderjarigheidsverklaring.

Applying for a meerderjarigheidsverklaring

You need to submit your application for a meerderjarigheidsverklaring to a district court (in Dutch). You will need a lawyer for this procedure.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Civil Code, Book 1, Article 253ha

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