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  1. Living allowance for refugees from Ukraine

    Refugees from Ukraine receive a living allowance for food, clothing and other personal expenses, unless these things are donated ...

    Leaflet | 01-07-2024

  2. Living allowance for refugees from Ukraine - in Ukrainian (Гроші на проживання для біженців з України)

    Біженці з України отримують грошову допомогу на харчування, одяг та інші особисті витрати, якщо вони не отримують ці речі в ...

    Leaflet | 01-07-2024

  3. Speech by Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf at the 2024 National Slavery Memorial Day Ceremony – in Papiamento

    Speech | 01-07-2024

  4. Speech by Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf at the 2024 National Slavery Memorial Day Ceremony - in Papiamentú

    Speech | 01-07-2024

  5. Speech by Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf at the 2024 National Slavery Memorial Day Ceremony

    Speech | 01-07-2024

  6. General Country of Origin Information Report Azerbaijan

    This General Country of Origin Information Report describes the situation in Azerbaijan insofar as this affects the assessment of ...

    Annual report | 30-06-2024

  7. Biobased plastics in vehicles

    This publication researches the application of biobased plastics in the automotive industry.

    Publication | 30-06-2024

  8. Biobased plastics in vehicles: Including biobased in a circular plastic obligation for vehicles

    Study by research agency CE Delft on the possibilities of applying bio-based plastics in the automotive industry. The study was ...

    Report | 30-06-2024

  9. Thematic country of origin information report: Tamils in Sri Lanka June 2024

    This Thematic Country of Origin Information Report describes the situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka insofar as this affects the ...

    Directive | 30-06-2024

  10. The NATO-Summit 2025 in brief

    Factsheet on the NATO Summit 2025: the first NATO Summit hosted by the Netherlands.

    Publication | 27-06-2024