Documents - Government

90 documents on Government

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  1. Joint statement by Prime Minister Modi of India and Prime Minister Rutte of the Netherlands

    Since in-person political visits and trade missions are not possible at present, prime minister Rutte held a virtual summit with ...

    Diplomatic statement | 09-04-2021

  2. Statement by Prime Minister Mark Rutte on the government’s resignation

    Speech | 15-01-2021

  3. Speech from the Throne 2018

    On 18 September 2018, the King delivered the Speech from the Throne.

    Speech | 18-09-2018

  4. Curriculum Vitae of Ingrid van Engelshoven (German)

    Publication | 12-12-2017

  5. Curriculum Vitae of Sander Dekker (German)

    Publication | 12-12-2017

  6. Curriculum Vitae of Carola Schouten (French)

    Publication | 06-11-2017

  7. Curriculum Vitae of Barbara Visser (French)

    Publication | 06-11-2017

  8. Curriculum Vitae of Carola Schouten (German)

    Publication | 06-11-2017

  9. Curriculum Vitae of Hugo de Jonge (German)

    Publication | 06-11-2017

  10. Curriculum Vitae of Hugo de Jonge (French)

    Publication | 06-11-2017