Documents - Ministry of Finance

76 documents of Ministry of Finance

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  1. International tax law. Profit attribution to permanent establishments

    The purpose of this Decree is to clarify how the Tax Administration assesses profit attribution to permanent establishments. The ...

    Decree | 01-07-2022

  2. International tax law. Transfer prices, application of the arm's length principle and the Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (OECD Guidelines)

    This Decree elaborates on the application of the arm's length principle. In 2002 the arm's length principle was codified in the ...

    Decree | 01-07-2022

  3. Dutch Customs in 2021

    Annual report over 2021.

    Annual report | 30-06-2022

  4. Factsheet Measures against tax avoidance and tax evasion

    The Netherlands has an open economy, and foreign markets are very important for Dutch businesses. Our tax system is designed with ...

    Leaflet | 28-06-2022

  5. Letter concerning the participation of the Dutch state in the Air France-KLM share issue

    Letter of 24 May 2022 to the House of Representatives from the Minister of Finance, Sigrid Kaag, and the Minister of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 02-06-2022

  6. Report by the National Coordinator for Sanctions Compliance and Enforcement

    Report by the National Coordinator for Sanctions Compliance and Enforcement, Stef Blok.

    Report | 02-06-2022

  7. Keynote speech by Marnix van Rij, State Secretary for Tax Affairs and the Tax Administration of the Netherlands

    Tuesday 15 March, 15.45 Brussels ‘Bridging the VAT Compliance Gap: Stepping up our efforts to reduce VAT losses’.   To mark ...

    Speech | 15-03-2022

  8. Joint Communiqué on the implementation of the Joint Declaration of 31 August 2021, in the context of the Franco-Dutch consultations

    Diplomatic statement | 09-03-2022

  9. Speech by Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag. The future of the Netherlands is European – 30 years after the Maastricht Treaty

    Speech by Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag. The future of the Netherlands is European – 30 years after the Maastricht Treaty.

    Speech | 08-03-2022

  10. Curriculum Vitae of Sigrid Kaag (German)

    Publication | 10-01-2022