News - Ministry of Justice and Security

114 news items of Ministry of Justice and Security

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  1. Neutral presence for special enforcement officers

    Special enforcement officers should have a neutral presence. For that reason, they are no longer permitted to wear visible ...

    News item | 14-11-2024 | 17:54

  2. Multi-million boost to continue developing drone detection in prisons

    An additional €16 million will be allocated each year to prevent inmates from continuing their criminal activities while in ...

    News item | 14-11-2024 | 17:34

  3. Higher prison sentences possible for drug criminals

    The legal maximum sentence for the more serious forms of hard drug crime goes up. Our country must become as unattractive as ...

    News item | 21-10-2024 | 14:30

  4. Psychological violence to become a punishable offence

    State Secretary for Justice and Security Ingrid Coenradie is introducing a legislative bill to make psychological violence a ...

    News item | 16-10-2024 | 17:00

  5. Central government and business sector join forces against criminal interference

    Criminals must be kept out. Not only from government, but also from businesses. Today, Minister of Justice and Security David van ...

    News item | 14-10-2024 | 18:56

  6. 1 in 10 Dutch people scammed online last year

    If you recognise deception techniques, you reduce the chances of being scammed online. An email from your bank to urgently update ...

    News item | 09-10-2024 | 05:50

  7. Measures introduced to ensure better protection for online gamblers

    On 1 October 2024 measures came into force to make players more aware of their gambling behaviour. The aim is to protect people ...

    News item | 01-10-2024 | 09:31

  8. Persons required to report to prison to serve out short custodial sentences once again being called up

    At the beginning of next year, the Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI) will start calling up persons who are required to report ...

    News item | 27-09-2024 | 18:00

  9. Fewer traffic offences, especially speeding, in the second four-month period

    Over 200,000 fewer traffic fines were issued in the months of May, June, July and August than in the corresponding period of ...

    News item | 25-09-2024 | 08:00

  10. State Opening of Parliament 2024: investing in a secure and just Netherlands

    Keeping the Netherlands secure and just. This is the leading priority in the coming financial year. And that is necessary because ...

    News item | 17-09-2024 | 15:30