Documents - Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

109 documents of Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

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  1. Open procurement data in the Netherlands

    This report aims to evaluate the current public procurement data publication levels in light of the Dutch Government’s commitment ...

    Report | 31-07-2024

  2. Curriculum Vitae of Zsolt Szabó (German)

    Publication | 02-07-2024

  3. Curriculum Vitae of Judith Uitermark (German)

    Publication | 02-07-2024

  4. Curriculum Vitae of Zsolt Szabó (French)

    Publication | 02-07-2024

  5. Curriculum Vitae of Judith Uitermark (French)

    Publication | 02-07-2024

  6. Curriculum Vitae of Eddie van Marum (German)

    Publication | 02-07-2024

  7. Curriculum Vitae of Eddie van Marum (French)

    Publication | 02-07-2024

  8. FRAIA in action

    The Fundamental Rights and Algorithm Impact Assessment (FRAIA) helps to map the risks to fundamental rights in the use of ...

    Report | 20-06-2024

  9. Letter to House of Representatives concerning follow-up to apology for slavery past

    This letter will inform the House about the publication of the grant scheme for social initiatives in the European Netherlands ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 14-06-2024

  10. Letter to House of Representatives concerning the Slavery Past subsidy scheme for community initiatives and the policy reinforcements

    This letter will inform the House about the proposal further elaborating the geographical distribution among the Dutch Caribbean ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 15-02-2024