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  1. Support for small businesses - Encouraging enterprise

    In developing countries, the Netherlands supports local startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that want to grow. ...

    Leaflet | 12-04-2016

  2. IOB – Renewable energy – Policy review on the Dutch contribution to renewable energy and development (2004-2014) – Summary report

    For decades, Dutch development cooperation has paid attention to renewable sources of energy in the context of development ...

    Report | 01-08-2015

  3. IOB - Gender sense & sensitivity - Policy evaluation on women's rights and gender equality (2007-2014)

    This policy evaluation of the Dutch international gender policy covers the period 2007-2014. One of the key foundations of this ...

    Report | 01-07-2015

  4. Evaluation programme 2014 budget - Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

    Summary of evaluations of policy efficiency and effectiveness: a question of accounting and learning - 2011 - 2016.

    Report | 25-04-2014

  5. IOB Study - Achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This report presents the findings of a desk-study of the results of multilateral organisations in the field of sexual and ...

    Report | 12-02-2014

  6. IOB - Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso

    Report | 18-11-2013

  7. IOB Study - Renewable Energy. Access and Impact. A systematic literature review of the impact on livelihoods of interventions providing access to renewable energy in developing countries.

    Report | 01-03-2013

  8. Evaluation programme 2013 budget Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Summary of evaluations of policy efficiency and effectiveness

    Annual report | 17-01-2013

  9. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Policy Agenda 2012

    Policy Agenda 2012 Key policy changes for 2012 In its foreign policy the government aims to reinforce the three pillars of ...

    Annual plan | 20-09-2011