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  1. Nuclear energy

    About 10% of the electricity used in the Netherlands comes from a nuclear power plant. There are no plans to build any new ...

  2. Abdul Karim Albrem, representing the voiceless

    Abdul Karim Albrem is from Aleppo, Syria. In 2015, the war forced him to flee and leave for a better future at a safe place. He ...

  3. European Interreg grant scheme

    Interreg is a European grant scheme for spatial and regional development. Parties from different countries cooperate on Interreg ...

  4. EU, EEA, EFTA and Schengen Area countries

    Which countries are Member States of the European Union (EU) and the Schengen Area? Which countries make up the EEA and the EFTA?

  5. Cross-border public transport

    The government is promoting cross-border public transport.

  6. Development Dutch seaports

    To remain competitive, Dutch seaports must continue to develop. For instance, the ports must respond to global developments such ...

  7. Quality of justice systems in EU member states

    Member states of the European Union (EU) must have confidence in each other’s justice systems if they are to cooperate ...

  8. What does the EU Services Directive mean for my business?

    If you do business in another EU member state, the EU Services Directive probably applies to you. The Directive applies to almost ...

    Question and answer

  9. Amsterdam Conference Declaration

    A coalition of countries and organisations have committed to address the need of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) ...

  10. Can I also call 112 from abroad?

    You can call 112 from any country in the European Union (EU), and a number of other countries as well.

    Question and answer