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  1. Joint declaration of intervention in the case brought by The Gambia against Myanmar at the International Court of Justice.

    The governments of Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom today issued the following statement:

    Diplomatic statement | 16-11-2023

  2. Regional departments

    These departments develop coherent, effective policy on the world's regions and countries.

  3. Dutch goals within the EU

    The Netherlands aims to raise the EU ambition for 2030 from 40% to 55% emission reduction.

  4. MHPSS conference programme for Monday, 7 October

    Please check back regularly for updates.

  5. Requirements for coffee shops in the experiment

    All ‘coffee shops’ participating in the experiment must meet certain requirements, for example in regard to record-keeping.

  6. Restitution

    During the Second World War, the property of many Dutch Jews and other Jewish people in the Netherlands was confiscated. In 1990s ...

  7. The Netherlands: EU member state

    The Netherlands has been active in the EU from the very start. Dutch officials, for example, were closely involved in shaping ...

  8. What can I do if I disagree with the results of a breath analysis or blood test after a violent offence?

    If you are arrested by the police for a violent offence, they may have cause to think you are under the influence of alcohol or ...

    Question and answer

  9. Priorities of the Netherlands’ international cultural policy

    The Dutch government’s international cultural policy has three objectives. All three these have a special focus on the creative ...

  10. Rail freight transport

    Some 80% of rail freight in the Netherlands comes from or is destined for other countries. The Dutch government therefore ...