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  1. Representations: Japan


  2. Embassy of Japan ('s-Gravenhage)


  3. Minister and VNO-NCW president to visit South Korea and Japan with trade mission

    Press release, visit, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Liesje Schreinemacher, VNO-NCW, president, Ingrid ...

    Media article | 10-03-2023

  4. How can I obtain an export licence for strategic goods or dual-use goods?

    Businesses require a licence to export military goods or dual-use goods. If the government has security-related concerns, it may ...

    Question and answer

  5. When do I need a transit licence for military goods?

    If you want to transship military goods in the Netherlands, you sometimes require a transit licence. A licence or consent is ...

    Question and answer

  6. Priorities of the Netherlands’ international cultural policy

    The Dutch government’s international cultural policy has three objectives. All three these have a special focus on the creative ...

  7. Do I need a residence permit if I want to stay in the Netherlands for a long period of time?

    If you want to stay in the Netherlands for longer than 90 days and you are not a national of an EU country, Liechtenstein, ...

    Question and answer

  8. Regional departments

    These departments develop coherent, effective policy on the world's regions and countries.

  9. Joint Statement Tokyo 30 nov 2012

    Statement by the Friends of the Syrian People International Working group on Sanctions, Tokyo, Japan, 30 November 2012.

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

  10. Game Changer project: creating more opportunities for people with disabilities

    The Netherlands Olympics Committee (NOC*NSF) has joined forces with the Dutch Embassy in Tokyo, the Japan Sport Council and three ...

    News item | 13-08-2021 | 13:40