Applying for approval in principle to adopt a child from outside the Netherlands

Adopting a child means that you take over the upbringing and care of your adopted child from the biological parents. The child then officially becomes your family. Are you resident in the Netherlands and do you want to adopt a child from outside the Netherlands? You must then first apply for beginseltoestemming(approval in principle). This is a declaration stating that, according to the Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie (Ministry of Justice and Security), you are suitable to adopt a child from another country.

Last updated on 3 January 2023

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Conditions for adopting a child from a country outside of the Netherlands

Anyone wanting to adopt a child from a country outside of the Netherlands must meet certain conditions for adoption (in Dutch). For example, your health should not be an obstacle. If you meet all the conditions, you will be given permission to adopt a child from another country. This is referred to as beginseltoestemming(approval in principle). You can then contact an intercountry adoption agency.

Applying for beginseltoestemming for adopting a child from another country

You can apply to the adoption services foundation Fiom for a beginseltoestemming (in Dutch).

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Uitvoeringswet Verdrag inzake de bescherming van kinderen en de samenwerking op het gebied van de interlandelijke adoptie

Wet opneming buitenlandse kinderen ter adoptie

Besluit opneming buitenlandse kinderen ter adoptie

Richtlijnen opneming buitenlandse kinderen ter adoptie 2000

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