All topics
Building and housing
- Asbestos
- Construction products
- Energy performance certificates for homes and buildings
- Environment and Planning Act
- Housing
- Infrastructure
- Population decline
- Spatial planning
- Agriculture
- Biotechnology
- Brexit
- Budget
- Circular economy
- Commissariat for Military Production
- Consumer protection
- E-invoicing Netherlands
- Enterprise and innovation
- EU Services Directive
- Export controls on strategic goods and services
- Financial sector
- Fisheries
- Intellectual property
- Less gas from Russia
- Livestock farming
- Public procurement
- Renewable energy
- Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)
- Space
- Telecommunications
- Adult general secondary (VAVO) programme
- Appropriate education
- Compulsory school attendance
- Education and internationalisation
- Freedom of education
- Language disadvantage
- Lifelong learning and development
- Primary education
- School holidays
- Science
- Secondary education
- Secondary vocational education (MBO) and tertiary (higher) education
- Student finance
- Working in education
Family, health and care
- Abortion
- Adoption
- Alcohol
- Antibiotic resistance
- Asbestos
- Care and support at home
- Care leave
- Childcare
- Controlled Cannabis Supply Chain Experiment
- Coronavirus Covid-19
- Cosmetic procedure
- Death and bereavement
- Divorce, separation and ending a civil partnership
- Drugs
- eHealth (telehealth)
- Euthanasia
- Family law
- Food
- Foster care
- Health care fraud
- Health insurance
- Infectious diseases
- International child abduction
- Marriage, civil partnership, cohabitation agreement
- Medicines
- Mental health and psychosocial support in crisis situations
- Mental health care
- Nursing homes and residential care
- Organ and tissue donation
- Parental responsibility
- Patients' rights and privacy
- Population screening
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- Quality of healthcare
- Registering a birth and name of child
- Smoking
- Sports and physical activity
- Surrogate mothers
- Sustainable healthcare
- Vaccinations
- Working in health care
- Youth Policy
Government and democracy
- Active citizens
- Art and culture
- Caribbean Parts of the Kingdom
- Constitution
- Cultural heritage
- Democracy
- Elections
- Government communications
- Municipalities
- Objections, complaints and appeals
- Online access to public services within the European Economic Area (eIDAS)
- Parliament
- Personal data
- Police
- Population decline
- Provinces
- Public administration
- Second World War
- Senior public sector pay
- The media and broadcasting
International cooperation
- Afghanistan
- Brexit
- Business for development
- Development
- European Union
- Grant programmes
- Human rights
- Human trafficking and people smuggling
- International child abduction
- International cultural cooperation
- International organisations
- International peace and security
- International sanctions
- Israel and the Palestinian Territories
- Mental health and psychosocial support in crisis situations
- Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)
- Treaties
- United Nations
- War in Ukraine
Justice, security and defence
- Acknowledgement of a child
- Action programme sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence
- Administration of justice and dispute settlement
- Afghanistan
- Ban on face coverings (referred to in the media as the ‘burka ban’)
- Child abuse
- Counterterrorism and national security
- Crime and crime prevention
- Crime that undermines society
- Cybercrime
- Discrimination
- Domestic violence
- Emergency number 112
- Forced marriage
- Games of chance
- Gender equality and LGBTIQ+ equality
- Honour-based violence
- Human trafficking and people smuggling
- Identification documents
- Identity fraud
- International child abduction
- Israel and the Palestinian Territories
- MH17 incident
- Military casualties
- Modernisation of the Code of Criminal Procedure
- Personal data
- Police
- Prostitution
- Security Strategy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands
- Sentences and non-punitive orders
- Veterans
- Victim policy
- War in Ukraine
- Youth crime
Migration and travel
- Asylum policy
- Discrimination
- Dutch citizenship
- Embassies, consulates and other representations
- Foreign citizens working in the Netherlands
- Identification documents
- Immigration to the Netherlands
- Integration in the Netherlands
- Reception of refugees from Ukraine
- Return of foreign citizens
- Travelling outside the Netherlands
- Travelling to the Netherlands
Nature and the environment
- Air Quality
- Animal diseases
- Animal welfare
- Biotechnology
- Climate change
- Delta Programme
- Energy performance certificates for homes and buildings
- Environment
- Fisheries
- Hazardous substances
- Nature and biodiversity
- Sustainable energy at home
- Water management
Taxes, benefits and allowances
- Benefits for older unemployed (IOW, IOAW, IOAZ)
- Capital transfer tax
- Child benefit
- Environmental taxes
- European grants
- Export, import and customs
- Grant programmes
- Income Tax
- Income-related combination tax credit
- Inheritance tax
- Invalidity Insurance Act (Young Disabled Persons) (Wajong)
- Kindgebonden budget (child budget)
- Paying taxes
- Sickness benefit
- Surviving Dependants Act
- Tax avoidance
- Taxation and businesses
- Valuation of immovable property
- Vehicle tax
- Work and Income according to Labour Capacity Act (WIA)
- Aviation
- Bicycles
- Driving licence
- Freight transport
- General periodic inspection (APK)
- Maritime transport and seaports
- Mobility, public transport and road safety
- Sailing and boating
- Vehicles
- Absenteeism from work
- Care leave
- Employment contract and a collective labour agreement (CAO)
- Foreign citizens working in the Netherlands
- Gender equality and LGBTIQ+ equality
- Lifelong learning and development
- Minimum wage
- Parental leave for partners
- Pension
- Pregnancy and maternity leave
- State pension (AOW)
- Unemployment
- Working conditions
- Working hours
- Working with an occupational disability