Guidance for competent authorities and tourism operators to ensure the welfare of working equids in tourism

In 2017 the EU Platform on Animal Welfare (PAW) established an equine subgroup (Voluntary Initiative on responsible ownership and care of Equidae) to assist the Platform in advancing equine welfare by producing clear, practical guidelines and other relevant materials which will be ultimately used to support individual owners, professionals and legislators in improving equine welfare in EU and beyond. It will also consider questions and barriers related to the proper implementation of existing equine legislation and advancing equine welfare.

The equine subgroup consists of a group of maximum 14 registered members of the EU Platform or a person appointed by them with a balanced representation of each member type (EU- Member states: 6 seats, Business and professional organizations: 3 seats, Organization from civil society: 3 seats, Independent experts: 2 seats).

In 2022 the equine subgroup produced the Guidance for competent authorities and tourism operators to ensure the welfare of working equids in tourism. Besides existing EU-legislation the equine subgroup recognized the specific welfare issues affecting equids used in tourism and the need for specific guidance for this category of working equids.