Searching the Centraal Insolventieregister for information on bankruptcy, suspension of payments and debt restructuring

To find out if a company is bankrupt, you can search the Centraal Insolventieregister (central insolvency register). This is a public register maintained by the district courts. 

Last updated on 29 October 2021

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Searching the Centraal Insolventieregister for information on natural and legal persons

The Centraal Insolventieregister holds information on natural and legal persons. A legal person may be a company, for example. The register holds information on: 

  • bankruptcies; 

  • suspension of payments; 

  • debt restructuring schemes, to find out whether someone falls under the debt restructuring scheme. 

Searching the Centraal Insolventieregister

The Centraal Insolventieregister website can be searched by personal name, trading name or company name.

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