News - Crime that undermines society

6 news items on Crime that undermines society

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  1. Central government and business sector join forces against criminal interference

    Criminals must be kept out. Not only from government, but also from businesses. Today, Minister of Justice and Security David van ...

    News item | 14-10-2024 | 18:56

  2. Working towards a resilient and just democratic rule of law for everyone

    Keeping the Netherlands secure and equitable so that people can live together safely and freely seems self-evident. However, ...

    News item | 13-09-2024 | 14:00

  3. More effective joint regulation of illicit asset seizure in the EU

    An amendment to the bill to seize illicit assets without a prior criminal conviction will be introduced. This is necessary to tie ...

    News item | 22-03-2024 | 18:00

  4. NSOC partnership in tackling organised crime continued

    The National Collaboration against Subversive Crime (Nationale Samenwerking tegen Ondermijnende Criminaliteit - NSOC) will be ...

    News item | 22-03-2024 | 17:00

  5. Senate approves UAE treaties against organised crime

    The Senate approved two bilateral treaties with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) today to address cross-border organised crime. The ...

    News item | 11-07-2023 | 16:30

  6. Coalition of European countries fighting organised crime

    The coalition of European countries fighting serious and organised crime is being strengthened. The move was agreed today in ...

    News item | 07-10-2022 | 15:30