Security and the rule of law

Security and a fair legal system contribute to a country’s national stability. This is particularly important if governance is weak. In some cases, the safety of civilians may be directly at risk. To promote national stability, the Netherlands also supports the establishment of courts and public authorities.

Security and the rule of law in Dutch development policy

An effective legal order is an essential condition for economic growth and development. Countries with fast-growing economies where the rule of law is weak run the risk of sliding into instability. What is more, companies will only invest in countries that offer the legal certainty which stems from an effective legal order. The Dutch government therefore wants to strengthen security and the rule of law in countries where governance is poor.

How does the Netherlands contribute to international security and the rule of law?

  • Clearing munitions
    People who have fled their homes to escape armed conflict are reluctant to return because of landmines and other explosive remnants of war. The Netherlands supports the Halo Trust and other organisations engaged in clearance operations in Afghanistan, Angola, Libya and elsewhere.
  • Making life safer for civilians
    By training peacekeeping troops, police and military personnel, the Netherlands helps make countries more resilient and life safer for civilians living there.
  • Resolving and preventing conflicts
    A fair legal system is key to strengthening a country’s stability and development. It helps people resolve existing conflicts peacefully and prevent new ones. The Netherlands is working to ease and modernise access to justice, especially in fragile states and countries affected by conflict, such as Mali, the Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda.
  • Improving governance
    The Netherlands trains peace mediators and negotiators and helps national and local authorities improve the quality of governance. It also funds programmes that involve young people in decision-making processes to dissuade them from joining violent, extremist groups.