Documents - Development

173 documents on Development

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  1. Evaluation of the AGRI3 Fund - 2020-2022

    This evaluation aims to facilitate learning about the AGRI3 Fund. It assesses AGRI3's impact, effectiveness, additionality, ...

    Report | 24-06-2024

  2. How can I help victims of conflicts or natural disasters in other countries?

    The best way to help people in need is by donating to professional aid agencies that are active in the affected area. Your ...

    Question and answer

  3. Final evaluation of the SDG16+portfolio: Supporting peace by promoting a peaceful, just, and inclusive society in Tunisia

    This document presents the main findings of an evaluation conducted to review the portfolio of projects ‘Supporting peace by ...

    Report | 03-04-2024

  4. External evaluation of the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD)

    The main purpose of the midterm evaluation was to learn. The DFCD is seen as unique and highly relevant for climate adaptation ...

    Report | 31-01-2024

  5. Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre des activités de Healthy Entrepreneurs de Février 2021 à Décembre 2023

    Le modèle de santé communautaire proposé par HE est pertinent et cohérent car il répond aux besoins de la population et aux ...

    Report | 31-12-2023

  6. Evaluation of the Water Finance Facility

    From 2017 until 2022 Cardano Development worked on the Water Finance Facility. This project is evaluated by Erasmus University ...

    Report | 01-12-2023

  7. Final Evaluation report of Youth Empowerment through Agricultural and Value Chain Development Project

    The Youth Empowerment and Employment through Agricultural and Value Chain Development Project (YEEP) was implemented by UNDP and ...

    Report | 30-11-2023

  8. Proposal for the End evaluation of CABI Plantwise Burundi (2020-2023)

    Le projet visait à améliorer le système phytosanitaire au Burundi. Il a développé des services de vulgarisation agricole sur la ...

    Publication | 31-10-2023

  9. Final Evaluation Of Tropenbos’ Working Landscapes: Promoting Sustainable Use of Forests and Trees for People and Climate

    Tropenbos International commissioned a final independent evaluation of the Working Landscape Programme: Promoting the sustainable ...

    Report | 31-10-2023

  10. Local Employment for African Development (LEAD phase II): Synthesis Study of Mid-Term Evaluation Reports

    This report is a synthesis of Mid-Term evaluations carried out for the LEAD II program for youth employment (2020-2024). LEAD is ...

    Report | 26-10-2023