What happens when I call 112 from a landline?

If you call 112 from a landline, your call will go directly to the emergency call centre in your own area.

When you call 112, please tell the operator:

  • what has happened;
  • what assistance is needed;
  • and which emergency service you think is required: the police, the fire brigade or the ambulance service.

The emergency operator will put you straight through to the appropriate emergency service in your area.

Listening back to calls

The emergency call centre records all conversations. This allows operators to listen back to calls, for example if they were unable to hear all the necessary information.

Caller ID

The caller’s telephone number automatically appears on the emergency operator’s computer screen. This enables the operator to call back, for example if the connection is poor. Caller ID also prevents abuse of 112.

Calling 112 from your mobile phone

Calls made from a mobile phone are routed to the call centre of the National Unit of the police in Driebergen.