The Environment and Planning Portal

Go to the new Environment and Planning Portal (Omgevingsloket) to apply for planning permission or submit a notification about an activity. 

One website for getting information, checking the requirements and applying for planning permission

You can find everything you need to know about the physical environment on the new Environment and Planning Portal. This includes the rules and regulations of the municipal, provincial and water authorities as well as of central government. The portal gives members of the public, businesses and professionals a complete picture of what is and isn’t allowed when it comes to the physical environment. 

In the new Environment and Planning Portal, members of the public, businesses and professionals can:

  • see if they need a permit or have to submit a notification for a certain project or building project;
  • submit a permit application or notification;
  • see on a map what national and local rules apply to a particular site;
  • report how public participation was carried out for a project and what the outcome is;
  • see an overview of their applications and notifications.

Go to the Environment and Planning Portal for a more detailed explanation of how the portal works. The portal is new and it is continuously being improved. The aim is for the portal to be easy to find, easy to use and easy to understand.