Policy on eco-friendly transport fuels

The government wants to stimulate more eco-friendly transport, for instance by improving the availability of alternative transport fuels.

Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth

The government and 40 stakeholders have concluded an Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth, which includes provisions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The agreement also contains objectives for the mobility and transport sector. For instance, from 2035 all new cars sold must be zero-emission vehicles.

European agreements on eco-friendly transport

The European Union member states have made agreements on eco-friendly transport. By 2020, renewables must make up at least 10% of all fuel used for transport. The agreements are set out in the EU Renewable Energy Directive.

Central government stimulates use of alternative fuels

The government stimulates the use of the following alternative fuels:

  • Biofuels

    Biofuel is fuel made from plant material or organic waste.
  • Green gas

    Green gas is produced by fermenting or gasifying biomass. Biomass is made up of natural products, such as agricultural waste.
  • Electric vehicles

    Drivers of leased electric and hybrid cars are exempted from taxation on private use of lease cars.
  • Non-fossil aviation fuel

    The government also wants to make aviation more sustainable and supports research into biokerosene. The project is being carried out by SkyNRG, a public-private partnership.
  • Hydrogen

    To familiarise the Dutch public with hydrogen as a fuel, more hydrogen filling stations will be built.

Less dependence on oil- and gas-producing countries

Alternative fuels are not only better for the environment, they also make the Netherlands less dependent on countries that produce oil and gas, and less vulnerable to rising prices for fossil fuels.

Fossil and alternative fuels are complementary

The government and other parties have drawn up a vision on transport fuel use that is aimed at securing a sustainable fuel mix for the future. It describes how the different types of fossil and alternative fuels can complement each other. But it also looks at situations in which the two do not go together.

Other measures for eco-friendly transport

Besides policy on alternatives fuels, other measures promote eco-friendly transport too.

  • New technologies for quieter transport

    New technologies make cars and road surfaces quieter. 
  • Eco-friendly freight transport

    The government is setting increasingly strict environmental requirements for lorries and delivery vans. Greater efficiency, for instance using longer and heavier lorries, reduces the burden on the environment.
  • Eco-friendly ships

    The government is working with the sector to make maritime shipping eco-friendly. From 2015, all new ships must be energy-efficient, emitting less CO2 and using less fuel.
  • Sulphur-free gas oil

    Since 2011, both maritime and inland vessels have been using sulphur-free gas oil.
  • Tyre label

    All new car tyres must come with a tyre label that provides information about, for instance, fuel efficiency and rolling noise.