Applying for a VISpas fishing permit

A VISpas is required for fishing in most inland waters in the Netherlands. A VISpas is valid for 1 year.

Last updated on 5 October 2022

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Different types of VISpas

In addition to the regular VISpas, there are the following: 

The VISpas check (link in Dutch) helps you find out which permit you need. 

Applying for a VISpas

If you join an hengelsportvereniging (anglers association) you will automatically receive a VISpas, provided that the anglers association is affiliated with one of the angler's federations of Sportvisserij Nederland (Sport Fishing Netherlands). If you don't want to join an angler's association, you can buy a Kleine VISpas

You get most of the permits by joining an anglers association. However, you can also order the VISpas and JeugdVISpas online at Sportvisserij Nederland (link in Dutch). 

Waters where you are allowed to fish

All VISpas permits come with a list of the waters where you are allowed to fish with the relevant permit. Each VISpas has its own list. You can also look this up online on the Visplanner (link in Dutch) website. Here you can also download a mobile app, and you can order the paper version of the lists of waters.

Laws and regulations

Visserijwet 1963, art. 7 en 21, 22, 23

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