Appealing against the results of the periodic technical motor vehicle inspection (APK)

If your vehicle has been APK inspected and you disagree with the result of the inspection you can appeal the decision.

Last updated on 19 May 2021

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Appealing against a vehicle APK failure

If your vehicle has failed to pass the APK inspection you can immediately raise an objection against the APK failure with the Netherlands vehicle authority RDW. An RDW employee will then come to the garage to check whether or not the failure is justified.

Appealing against a vehicle pass

If you believe that your vehicle should not have passed the inspection you can appeal against your vehicle passing the APK inspection within a period of one year. You can submit your appeal in writing to the RDW.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wegenverkeerswet 1994, artikelen 90 en 91

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