Viewing the CCBR (Central Register of Guardianships and Fiduciary Administrations)

Do you want to find out if a person is under guardianship? Consult the list of the Centraal Curatele- en bewindregister (CCBR). The list also contains the names of persons whose assets have been placed under fiduciary administration. You can search the CBBR online.

Last updated on 8 June 2023

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Guardianship and fiduciary administration

A judge may put a person under curatele (guardianship) if the person in question is no longer able to made decisions about their financial and personal affairs. Or they are endangering the safety of themselves or others.

The judge may place that person's money and possessions onder bewind (under fiduciary administration). A curator (guardian) or bewindvoerder (fiduciary administrator) will then make decisions for the person in question.

Searching the CCBR

The list of the CCBR includes all current placements under guardianship and fiduciary administration.

Find out more about the content of the CCBR’s list and how to search in it on the website

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Burgerlijk Wetboek Boek 1, artikel 391

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