Documents - Maritime transport and seaports

9 documents on Maritime transport and seaports

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  1. Research Report on Classification of Plastic Pellets

    Plastic pellets show a harmful effect on the marine environment and indirectly to human health. This report provides a scientific ...

    Report | 20-12-2024

  2. Greater North Sea Basin Initiative - Antwerp Ministerial Declaration

    The North Sea is one of the busiest seas in the world. It fulfills a crucial  role for industries such as fishing, shipping and ...

    Report | 25-11-2024

  3. Greater North Sea Basin Initiative - Ministerial conclusions

    The Greater North Sea is in transition; there is little space and it is getting even tighter with further developments underway, ...

    Discussion document | 21-11-2023

  4. Uitreiking van de Ruytermedaille, Rijnstraat, 25 oktober 2023

    Op 25 oktober 2023 reikte minister Harbers (IenW) de Ruytermedaille (Koninklijke onderscheiding voor zeevarenden) uit aan twee ...

    Speech | 25-10-2023

  5. IMO-IMSAS Audit of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

    From March 13 to 24, 2023, the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS audit) for the Kingdom of the Netherlands took place. The ...

    Report | 21-08-2023

  6. Candidacy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for re-election to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council

    The Kingdom of the Netherlands is candidate for re-election to the Council of the International Maritime Organization in category ...

    Report | 07-06-2023

  7. Merchant Shipping Protection Regulation and Explanatory Notes

    Regulation | 28-03-2022

  8. Questions and answers on the Merchant Shipping (Protection) Act

    Publication | 02-09-2021

  9. Keynote speech by the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen Maritime Seminar, Surabaya, 12 March 2020 ‘Towards sustainable and smart port development’

    Speech | 12-03-2020