Sustainable public transport
The government is aiming for a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve this, central government is working with other government authorities and transport operators to encourage more people to use public transport.
Public transport as an alternative to the car
Trains, buses, trams and metros can transport lots of people at the same time, with fewer carbon emissions. That’s why the government is encouraging people to use public transport instead of driving. And it’s making significant investments in public transport in the years ahead, for example in more frequent train services and more bicycle storage at stations.
Cleaner and more energy-efficient public transport
Public transport in the Netherlands is already highly sustainable. Since 2017 all electric passenger trains have been powered using green energy. Under the Voluntary Agreement on Zero Emission Bus Transport all new buses must use 100% renewable energy or fuel from 2025 onwards. And all buses must be fully emission-free from 2030. Central government is also working with other parties to explore the possibilities presented by hydrogen-powered trains.
In addition, the government has made multi-annual agreements with a large number of sectors on improving energy efficiency. The railways sector has agreed to make a 2% energy saving each year.
Sustainable stations
The government wants ProRail to consider sustainability when building and managing railway stations. Solar panels can produce energy for lights, heaters, lifts and escalators. And when building new stations, careful consideration is always given to the choice of materials.