Practical effects of modernisation

The modernisation of the Code of Criminal Procedure will affect many organisations and bodies connected with the criminal justice system. So at an early stage, they are thinking about what the likely effects of the changes will be.

A practical Code

The bodies that will be directly affected are examining the likely consequences of the new Code as part of the preconsultation phase (before the bills are introduced in Parliament). Their input will improve the quality of the legislation. The bodies concerned are also studying what the proposed changes will mean for their procedures and operational management. Working with legislative drafters and policy departments of the Ministry of Security and Justice, they are looking into the probable effects on working procedures, staff, information provision, IT, finance and many other areas.

The results of this research will be brought together in a section on the effects of implementation in the explanatory memorandum on the bill in question. So the practical consequences of each bill will be clear even before the formal consultation phase begins.

Preparations for entry into force

Before the new Code can enter into force, the various bodies in the criminal justice system will have to adapt their working procedures and operational management. Staff will need further training. And the changes must be communicated to everybody who will be working with them. So it will take several years to introduce the new Code with due care. The bodies affected are working with the Ministry of Security and Justice to make the necessary preparations.