Applying for a hunting licence

If you hunt with a gun, you need a valid hunting licence (‘omgevingsvergunning jachtgeweeractiviteit’).

Last updated on 29 January 2024

Eligibility for a hunting licence

To be eligible for a hunting licence, you must meet a number of requirements. For example, you must be 18 years of age or older. The police website lists all the requirements for a hunting licence (in Dutch).

Applying for a hunting licence

Applications for a hunting licence (in Dutch) are made to the police.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Omgevingswet, artikel 5.1, eerste lid, onder f

Besluit kwaliteit leefomgeving, artikelen 8.74t, 8.74u, 8.74v en 8.104

Omgevingsbesluit, artikelen 10.21a, 10.21b en 10.23, derde lid

Besluit activiteiten leefomgeving, artikelen 11.87, 11.90, 11.91 en 11.92

Omgevingsregeling, artikel 7.197t

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