Filing a complaint about the police

Do you have a complaint about the police? For example, do you feel a police officer treated you unfairly? If so, you can file a complaint with the police.

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Conditions for filing a complaint about the police

Filing a complaint with the police is subject to certain conditions. For instance, you cannot file a complaint about a fine or ticket that you feel was issued unjustly. On the website of the Netherlands Police you can download a brochure detailing the complaints process, what you can expect and what you can do if you do not agree with the outcome.

Filing a complaint with the police

You can file your complaint with the police by using the digital complaint form (link in Dutch). You can also submit your complaint verbally or in writing. You must file your complaint within 1 year of the date of the event you wish to complain about.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Algemene wet bestuursrecht

Politiewet 2012

Regeling klachtbehandeling politie

Uitvoeringsregeling klachtbehandeling politie 2025