Registering a fast motorboat, water scooter or jet ski

If you are buying a new or used motorboat and it is not registered in the Netherlands, then you must register the motorboat before you are allowed to sail on inland waters. This also applies to jet skis and water scooters.

Last updated on 26 May 2021

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

When do you need to register a motorboat?

You need to register your motorboat if:

  • if you want to sail on inland waters (in Dutch);
  • your motorboat is under 20 metres long;
  • your motorboat can reach speeds in excess of 20 km/hour.

Registering a fast motorboat

Please contact the RDW to register your motorboat (in Dutch). You will receive a registratiebewijs particuliere vaartuigen (boat registration certificate) (link in Dutch).

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Binnenvaartpolitiereglement, artikel 8.0.1

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