Documents - Ministry of Justice and Security

187 documents of Ministry of Justice and Security

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  1. Can I also call 112 from abroad?

    You can call 112 from any country in the European Union (EU), and a number of other countries as well.

    Question and answer

  2. How can I avoid calling 112 by accident?

    There are a number of ways you might accidentally call 112. Take care, for example, not to automatically press the ‘call’ button ...

    Question and answer

  3. How can I use 112 if I’m deaf or hard of hearing or if I have a speech impediment?

    If you are deaf or hard of hearing you can place an emergency 112 call via your mobile telephone, tablet or computer using the ...

    Question and answer

  4. When do I lose parental responsibility over my child?

    You can lose parental responsibility if you are unable to care for and raise your child, or if you mistreat your child.

    Question and answer

  5. When will my child be placed under supervision?

    If your child's development is at risk because of problems in the family, your child may be placed under supervision.

    Question and answer

  6. Best practice guide on the use of mediation in cross-border cases

    Report | 21-10-2013

  7. Informative guide concerning cross-border mediation in civil matters in the European Union

    Leaflet | 21-10-2013

  8. Teeven takes measures after Dolmatov inspectorate report (Russian)

    Пресс - релиз : Тевен принимает меры в результате доклада Инспекции по делу Долматова

    Publication | 12-04-2013

  9. Summary, conclusions and recommendations (in English)

    The Security and Justice Inspectorate reports about its investigation into the actions taken by the Dutch government with respect ...

    Publication | 12-04-2013

  10. Summary, conclusions and recommendations (in Russian)

    Смерть Александра Долматова.

    Publication | 12-04-2013