Documents - Ministry of Justice and Security

187 documents of Ministry of Justice and Security

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  1. Someone I know is on the verge of becoming radicalised. Where can I find help or information?

    If someone you know is on the verge of becoming radicalised, there are several organisations you can turn to. Please see ...

    Question and answer

  2. What does the emergency kit contain?

    An emergency kit contains the main items you need in an emergency. Please see for more information

    Question and answer

  3. What should I do when the public warning siren sounds?

    Please see for more information on what to do when the public warning siren sounds

    Question and answer

  4. What is my local emergency radio station?

    In the event of an emergency the government will provide information via the emergency radio station. Please see ...

    Question and answer

  5. What do I need to do in the event of a disaster?

    In the event of a disaster in your area, you need to take a variety of measures. Please see for more information

    Question and answer

  6. How can I help prevent a terrorist attack?

    You can help reduce the chance of a terrorist attack by keeping an eye out for suspicious situations. And reporting a suspicious ...

    Question and answer

  7. As the father, how do I get responsibility for my child if I’m not married or in a registered partnership?

    As a father, you will only get parental responsibility if you first acknowledge your child. After that you and the child’s mother ...

    Question and answer

  8. Who gets responsibility for my child if I die?

    The party who gets responsibility for your child after your death will depend on your personal situation. Different arrangements ...

    Question and answer

  9. What happens to the responsibility for my children if I get divorced?

    After a divorce, both partners retain parental responsibility for the children. This also applies when a couple ends their ...

    Question and answer

  10. When does parental responsibility end?

    Your responsibility ends automatically when your child reaches the age of 18 or if they marry or enter into a registered ...

    Question and answer