Documents - Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

109 documents of Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

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  1. Curriculum Vitae of Hanke Bruins Slot (German)

    Publication | 14-09-2023

  2. Curriculum Vitae of Hanke Bruins Slot (French)

    Publication | 14-09-2023

  3. Chains of the Past

    Report of findings by the Slavery History Dialogue Group Advisory Board

    Report | 20-07-2023

  4. Speeches by the King and members of the government on the Netherlands’ role in the history of slavery

    The King and members of the government gave speeches on Slavery Remembrance Day (1 July 2023), which was also the start of ...

    Speech | 04-07-2023

  5. It is never too late

    Advisory report on Bonaire Climate Table from table quartermaster Mr. Nijpels, to set up a climate table on Bonaire that will ...

    Report | 08-05-2023

  6. Government Procurement Digitalisation in the Netherlands - Annual Plan 2023

    This annual plan tells you how the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations is working on digitising the Government ...

    Annual plan | 17-04-2023

  7. Code on Inter-administrative Relations

    The Code on Inter-administrative Relations contains agreements that contribute to successful interplay between government ...

    Report | 20-01-2023

  8. Taking care of your personal business online using eIDAS across borders

    This video gives some examples about using eIDAS for sorting out administrative matters across the borders.

    Video | 05-01-2023

  9. Government-wide strategy for effectively tackling disinformation

    Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Bruins Slot and Minister for Digitalisation Van Huffelen present the House of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 23-12-2022

  10. Policy response to the report Open Public Procurement Data by Default

    This policy response to Fredo Schotanus’ report (recommendations) ‘Open public Procurement by Default’ outlines what ...

    Report | 23-12-2022