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  1. Representations: North Korea


  2. Request a knowledge embargo exemption for technical and nuclear studies

    Request a knowledge embargo exemption for technical and nuclear studies from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

  3. What technology courses require an exemption from the knowledge embargo, and how can I apply for an exemption?

    Anyone who wants to do a course of study or conduct research in the fields of nuclear weapons and missile technology must apply ...

  4. Regional departments

    These departments develop coherent, effective policy on the world's regions and countries.

  5. Dutch government policy on international sanctions

    The United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU) have the authority to impose international sanctions. Sanctions can targeted ...

  6. Appendix III (Safety for Voices): Corporate rates

    Information for applicants/lead parties and co-applicants established in EU member states that do not use the euro and for ...

    Publication | 01-06-2022

  7. Ambassador Hyoung-chan Choe of the Republic of Korea looks back on state visit: 'Trusted partners who share universal values'

    On 12 and 13 December, King Willem-Alexander received the South Korean president, Yoon Suk Yeol, during a state visit to the ...

    Blog post | 21-12-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  8. The Netherlands and UK expand energy collaboration with new electricity link

    Speaking at the North Sea Summit in Oostende today, Announced today at the North Sea summit, Dutch and British Ministers jointly ...

    News item | 24-04-2023 | 07:00

  9. Joint Statement on the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

    His Excellency Yoon Suk Yeol, President of the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as “the ROK”) and His Excellency Mark ...

    Diplomatic statement | 23-11-2022

  10. Canada and the Netherlands launch the Global Declaration on Information Integrity Online

    Information integrity is essential to help ensure the strength of democratic processes and to protect fundamental rights. The ...

    News item | 20-09-2023 | 17:05