
149 search results

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  1. EU, EEA, EFTA and Schengen Area countries

    Which countries are Member States of the European Union (EU) and the Schengen Area? Which countries make up the EEA and the EFTA?

  2. How can I get online access to the services of a Dutch public sector organisation from another EEA country?

    You can get online access to the services of a Dutch public sector organisation from another EEA country using your DigiD.

    Question and answer

  3. Embassy of Jamaica (Brussel (Auderghem))


  4. How do I apply for a European patent?

    To protect your innovative product or process in the European Union (EU), you can apply to the European Patent Office (EPO) for a ...

    Question and answer

  5. Having your vehicle undergo a periodic vehicle inspection (APK)

    Do you want a periodic vehicle inspection? This is possible at RDW-approved garages and test centres in the Netherlands.

  6. One Point of Single Contact for service providers

    The EU Services Directive makes it easier for service providers to operate in other EU countries. They can organise everything ...

  7. How can I apply for a patent?

    If you want to patent an invention, process or product, you should submit an application to the Netherlands Patent Office. In ...

    Question and answer

  8. What are the criteria for patenting my invention?

    You can protect your invention with a patent. A patent can be used to prohibit others from copying, selling or importing your ...

    Question and answer

  9. Dutch representation at international organisations

    The Netherlands is not only represented around the world by embassies and consulates: the bilateral missions. It also has ...

  10. Multilateral missions

    In addition to its embassies and consulates, the Kingdom of the Netherlands has sixteen permanent representations to ...