Request exemption from age limits for special education

Your child may attend special education starting from 4 years of age. For deaf or hearing-impaired children, the minimum age is 3 years. Your child may attend special education until reaching 20 years of age. After that, your child must leave school. You can request an exemption from the minimum or maximum age. An exemption would allow your child to start school earlier or remain in school longer.

Last updated on 21 July 2021

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Exemption from minimum age for special education

In certain cases, your child may attend school at a younger age. Such as if this is in the interest of your child.

Exemption from maximum age for special education

The Inspectorate of Education may also grant an exemption from the maximum age. For instance, if this would enable completion the study programme. Or because a longer period of study would improve the student’s job opportunities.

Request exemption from minimum or maximum age

To request an exemption, contact the school where you want to enrol your child. Or where your child is already enrolled. The school will contact the Inspectorate of Education. The inspectorate will assess each case individually to determine whether an exemption is possible.

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