Applying for benefit under the Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW)

If you are unemployed and 60 years or older and your benefits stop, but you are not yet eligible for your state pension (AOW), you may be eligible for IOW benefit. The benefits are payable after your wage-related return-to-work (WGA) benefit stops. IOW stands for ‘inkomensvoorziening oudere werklozen’ (Income Provision for Unemployed Older People).

Last updated on 18 August 2021

Eligibility for Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW) after WW benefit has stopped

If you want to receive Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW) after your unemployment benefit (WW) has stopped, you will need to meet certain conditions. For example, you must have been 60 years of age or older when you became unemployed. Please consult the UWV website to find out about the eligibility requirements for Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW) after unemployment benefit (WW) has stopped.

Eligibility for Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW) after WGA benefit has stopped

If you want to receive Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW) after your wage-related return-to-work (WGA) benefit has stopped, you will need to meet certain conditions. For example, you must have been 60 years of age or older when your return-to-work (WGA) benefit started. Please consult the UWV website for find out about eligibility requirements for Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW) when your wage-related return-to-work (WGA) benefit stops.

Applying for Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW)

Once your unemployment benefit (WW) stops, you can apply for Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW) via ‘Mijn UWV’.

If you are receiving wage-related return-to-work (WGA) benefit, the UWV will automatically send you a form to apply for Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW).

If you are entitled to Income Provision for Unemployed Older People (IOW) and are unable to find work, you will continue to receive the benefit until you reach state retirement age.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wet inkomensvoorziening oudere werklozen

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