Risk of an attack (threat level)

The Netherlands uses a system of threat levels that indicate the chance of a terrorist attack. Every quarter the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) publishes the current threat level for the Netherlands.

5 threat levels

The Netherlands has 5 ascending threat levels:

  • Minimal: It is unlikely that a terrorist attack will occur in the Netherlands.
  • Limited: There is a slight chance of a terrorist attack in the Netherlands.
  • Significant: A terrorist attack in the Netherlands is conceivable.
  • Substantial: There is a real chance of a terrorist attack in the Netherlands.
  • Critical: A terrorist attack in the Netherlands is imminent

Current threat level

The website of the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) lists the current threat level in the Netherlands. If there is an increased risk of a terrorist attack at a specific time or location, the NCTV will announce this on the radio, on TV or online.