Documents - European Union

40 documents on European Union

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  1. Decision on requist PAA on meetings of Dutch PR to EU EU (2020-2021)

    Decision invoking the Goverment Information (Public Acces) Act (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur; Wob) on meetings in 2020-2021 of ...

    Decree | 06-04-2022

  2. Speech by Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag. The future of the Netherlands is European – 30 years after the Maastricht Treaty

    Speech by Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag. The future of the Netherlands is European – 30 years after the Maastricht Treaty.

    Speech | 08-03-2022

  3. ‘It’s important for France and the Netherlands to further strengthen their ties’

    Press statement by Wopke Hoekstra, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, during his visit to Paris, 28 January 2022. ...

    Speech | 28-01-2022

  4. Decision on request PAA about meetings of Dutch PR to EU

    Decision invoking the Goverment Information (Public Acces) Act (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur; Wob) on meetings of the Dutch ...

    Decree | 10-12-2021

  5. Speech by Minister Ben Knapen at the EU Heads of Mission (HoMs) meeting

    Speech by Minister Ben Knapen at the EU Heads of Mission (HoMs) meeting.

    Speech | 29-10-2021

  6. Joint statement of France and the Netherlands

    France and the Netherlands intend to deepen and strengthen their bilateral relationship to defend our shared European values, and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 31-08-2021

  7. Cessation of the MRA between Switzerland and EU - Consequences for the Dutch medical device market

    The European Commission announced that the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for medical devices between Switzerland and the ...

    Publication | 02-08-2021

  8. Emission Trading System for Road Transport: An exploratory study on possible impacts and policy interactions

    On 14 July 2021, the European Commission presented its Fit for 55 Package: a package of legislative proposals with the aim of ...

    Report | 14-07-2021

  9. Discours du ministre Stef Blok à l’occasion de la célébration du 70e anniversaire de la signature du traité instituant la Communauté européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier (CECA)

    Discours du ministre Stef Blok à l’occasion de la célébration du 70e anniversair du traité instituant la Communauté européenne du ...

    Speech | 16-04-2021

  10. State of the Union 2021

    The Netherlands is pursuing three objectives within the EU: resilient, secure member states working on convergence towards the ...

    Publication | 16-04-2021